Monday, April 7, 2014

Thinking Ahead

 The notion of inhabiting a faraway town for a whole year is still pretty surreal at this point.  Katrina has a better idea than I of the day-to-day realities, but I know enough to realize that it'll likely be nothing like my expectations.  And also that it will become quotidian in some ways, although probably never entirely.

We are still months away from the summer which will still be months away from our departure so "planning" is still a nebulous affair for the both of us.  I wrote to Jerry Paccione this morning to get in touch with the current cohort that's there now and with Andrea (a Montefiore student who'll be there with us for the year).

Katrina is hard at work in her surgery rotation and I'm just trying to finish up the school year.  Before summer, we'll each be trying to let little pieces of our future in Uganda trickle into our present, slowly making it more of a concrete reality.  This blog can hopefully document our preparations and our adaptation to life in Uganda.