Wednesday, September 3, 2014

See-Ya-Later Garden Party

Thanks for a great send-off!

We made the most of a lovely evening in my parents' backyard with food, fire, and friends -- courtesy of all you lovely people. Those of you who couldn't make it were in our hearts, but the food is pretty lousy there so I apologize for that.

Well, you can check out the photo album -- courtesy of my attentive mother -- to experience the jubilee one more (or first) time.

We'll miss you all next year but this modern age affords us manifold means of easing that heartache. Why, you're using one of them right now! You clever thing, you.


  1. Hi Andrew, thank you for sharing this blog, what a great way to connect and let us come along on this journey with you and Katrina. A big thank you to your parents for that camera, your talent with words have always moved me and now with your ability to capture the scenes with your fancy shmancy camera- i can't wait to read about and see your adventures.

    I am sure with your warmth and panache you will soon be the pied piper of Kisoro.

    Be safe and savvy my friend ( sorry that mom thing just kicks in) and may you and Katrina have the adventure of a lifetime.

    Mish and Family

  2. I look forward to seeing a similar photo a year from now - both of you surrounded by smiling Ugandan friends saying good-bye before you return to the USA! xo Mom

  3. So happy to have your blog to read!
